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Printing our Christmas Cards

Putting up our Christmas Tree

Late Late Toy Show Day

To celebrate the Late Late Toy Show we had our own toy demonstration in the Junior Room. Great fun was had by all.

Team Hope

This year we again donated shoeboxes to the Team Hope appeal. Shoeboxes were sent to Eswatini in Southern Africa.

Science Week

Science week took place from 10th to 17th November and we took part in many activities to mark the week. Our senior room particularly enjoyed putting their knowledge of circuits into practice to make light up robots.

Heritage in Schools

We had an excellent session with Marina from Heritage in Schools. Marina introduced us to native Irish plants through storytelling and drawing. The children were introduced to several plants and trees and were able to hear the plants ‘sing’. They heard traditional stories about native plants and took part in a drawing tutorial.


Colin visited our school with a lovely selection of owls and one hawk. We saw the following birds – Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Great Horn Owl, Harris Hawk, White Faces Scops Owl and a Little Owl. It was a great opportunity to learn about and to handle these amazing birds.

Trick or Treat for Temple Street

Again this year we held our Trick or Treat dress up day to raise funds for Temple Street Hospital. Everyone looked great in their costumes and Linda generously came in to paint everyone’s faces on the day.

Singing with Aileen Lambert

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Making Butter

Maths Week

All of our pupils took part in many activities to mark Maths Week 2024. Lots of new skills were learned!

Goal Jersey Day

Once again we all wore our jerseys to support Goal Jersey Day. We also ran the Design a Jersey competition. Our school winner was Freya, her design has been entered into the national competition.

Watercolour Art

Our senior room had great fun learning how to use watercolour paints to produce autumn art.

New Infants 2024

A big welcome to our four new Junior Infants for 2024.

Sponsored Walk

Our wonderful Parents’ Association organised the annual school walk during the last week of school. We were joined by many parents and siblings on the day. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful walk along our local roads and all pupils were treated to ice cream afterwards.

A Special Visitor

We were very lucky to have our local sports star, Walter Walsh, call to our school in June. Walter was part of the winning Tullogher Rosbercon team who won the AIB All Ireland Club junior hurling championship against Cork’s St. Catherine’s.

School Tour

On Wednesday 5th June all pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class went on their school tour to the Watershed in Kilkenny. Pupils got to take part in many different exciting activities. Great fun was had by all.

Fire Service

On 29th May we had a visit from Chris and Leo who are based in the Graiguenamanagh Fire Service. Our pupils were taught what steps to follow in case of a fire. The talk was then followed by a fire drill. All pupils were then given a fire safety package with fun activities to complete.


Wonderful coaches from the Tullogher Rosbercon GAA Club have been in to train all pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class. These sessions were carried out over a 5 week period. We look forward to the next roll out of training sessions next term.

Junior Entrepreneur Project

The children from the senior room have recently completed their Junior Entrepreneur Project.  The children learned all about entrepreneurship, market research, business development and had a visit from a business visitor, PJ Murphy from Ashcraft Kitchens.  The children decided to make custom keyrings. They named their project Shean Fainní and spent months preparing the final product. They held a showcase / sale day for their custom-made keyrings on Friday 10th May.  They had a great turn out of parents and relatives who came along to support our very talented and hardworking students.

Tin Whistle

Pupils from 1st to 6th Class are enjoying learning a variety of tunes on the tin whistles with Ms. Kenny and Ms. Ryan.

5 A-Side Soccer

Well done to our pupils who took part in this year’s 5 a -side soccer tournament in New Ross. Our team did extremely well and got to the play off for the semi-final.

Irish Dancing Championship

Congratulations to our 3rd Class pupil, Cara, who came 3rd in the Dublin Irish Dancing Championship. She will now go on to compete in London. Well done, Cara!

Visit to SETU

For engineering week this year, our 6th class pupils made a trip to SETU, Waterford, to learn about the importance of engineering in our lives. All pupils enjoyed taking part in the many different activities running on the day.

Spring Art

Easter Egg Hunt

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We had great fun during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Pupils put great effort into speaking as Gaeilge each day. Pupils learned and performed Irish songs, took part in Irish games and quizzes as well as art activities.

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day on 7th March. Our pupils put great effort into their costumes and enjoyed telling us about their favourite books.

A Busy Week!

On Pancake Tuesday, our 6th Class pupils were busy as they very kindly prepared pancakes for all the pupils in the school. There wasn’t a crumb left! The following day, pupils showed off their talents as they made beautiful Valentine’s Day cards.

St. Brigid’s Day

To celebrate St. Brigid’s Day, pupils from 1st to 6th Class made the Crois Naomh Bríd. Junior and Senior Infants got creative and created their own version of St. Brigid’s cloak.

Creative Mindfulness with Bernie

All classes took part in 6 sessions of creative mindfulness with Bernie,  The Meaningful Múinteoir. During this time, our pupils were taught coping mechanisms and skills to deal with situations and help them manage their emotions and thoughts. Pupils made a variety of items including Breathing Buddies, Mind Jars, Breathing Wands and Worry Warriors.

Lights, Camels, Action!

This year, all pupils took part in the Christmas Nativity, Lights, Camels, Action! Six groups had to perform in front of three judges. Thankfully the judges were impressed with their dances but Caesar was a little critical! Everyone put great effort into their performance which was enjoyed by their parents, grandparents and siblings.

Christmas Jumper Day

Little Heroes First Aid Workshop

All classes took part in the Little Heroes First Aid Workshop held in our school during the month of November. The pupils learned basic first aid skills and what to do during an emergency.

GROW at School

Shanbogh NS is taking part in GROW at School, which is a food education programme that aims to enhance food literacy in primary schools. Through garden-based learning and hands-on growing experiences, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of the origins of healthy, sustainable food among. All the pupils in the school planted onions and garlic in our new garden area. We are all excited to see them grow!